Category: Car Accidents

It should come as no surprise that night driving is generally more dangerous, but many motorists are surprised at just how dangerous it is. Nearly half – 49 percent – of all fatal car accidents happen at night, even though nighttime driving makes up only about a quarter of traffic activity, according to the National […]

If you’re wondering, “Does car insurance cover hitting a deer?” the short answer is yes, it can, depending on the type of coverage you have. However, the specifics vary by policy and coverage type. Insurance Coverage for Injuries After Hitting a Deer Alabama has mandatory auto insurance requirements that mandate liability coverage for bodily injury […]

Are you wondering who is at fault and who will pay for your injuries after a chain-reaction car crash in Huntsville, Alabama? Determining responsibility for these accidents can be challenging, especially when multiple drivers are involved. Sorting out the details and understanding your rights is essential for protecting yourself and demanding the compensation you deserve. […]

Pregnancy is a time of excitement and joy, but many pregnant women also experience a great deal of anxiety during this delicate time. While healthcare providers and concerned relatives may speak earnestly about the dangers of certain foods or exercises, the risks of car accidents and their potential harm to mothers and their unborn children […]

Car accidents frequently occur on Alabama roadways, and they often result in significant injuries. Internal bleeding from a car accident is one of the potentially life-threatening effects of a collision. Understanding the symptoms of internal bleeding after a car accident could be critical to your health. How Car Accidents Can Cause Internal Bleeding Can you […]

Intoxicated drivers put themselves and others at risk of life-altering accidents. Encountering a drunk driver on the road in Alabama can be highly stressful and concerning. Knowing how to report drunk drivers can help you protect yourself and others from devastating drunk driving accidents. Recognizing Signs of Drunk Driving Drunk drivers may exhibit characteristic behaviors […]

For some adults, riding in the back of a pickup truck bed brings back fond childhood memories. The feel of the road and the breeze in your hair can be thrilling, but is it legal to ride in the back of a pickup truck? Passengers in a truck bed could get severely injured in a […]

Did you recently suffer injuries in a left-turn accident in Alabama? If so, you might wonder who will pay your medical bills, lost income, and other crash-related expenses. The answer will depend on who is at fault. Alabama Laws on Left Turns in Traffic The Code of Alabama includes several statutes that pertain to how […]

Some cities in the United States and worldwide prohibit drivers from turning right at a red light. But can you make a right turn on red in Alabama? Alabama state law follows the general practice in the U.S. of allowing motorists to turn right on a red light after first stopping at the intersection to […]

Wrong-way accidents occur for a variety of reasons, and they’re some of the most severe collisions that happen on Alabama roads. How common are wrong-way accidents, and why are they so uniquely dangerous? Facts and Figures on Wrong-Way Accidents in Alabama How many accidents result from wrong-way drivers? According to the Alabama Department of Transportation, […]