david hodge

David J. Hodge, a partner of Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., was listed as one of Alabama’s Top 50 lawyers in the Alabama Super Lawyers 2013 nomination, research and blue ribbon review process.

Huntsville Times Article: Ambulance Suit Gets $3.1 Million April 27, 2007 News Channel 19’s Barry Hiett reports: October 13, 2005. That’s the night a Lincoln County, Tennessee ambulance driver slammed into a Dodge Neon on Highway 231 in Hazel Green. 18-year-old Dianna Bowden was driving the Neon. She died instantly. Since Dianna’s death, life has […]

WHNT NEWS 19 Staff Reports 11:15 a.m. CDT, June 30, 2009 HUNTSVILLE, AL –Monday marked the one-year anniversary of the deadly disaster at the Huntsville airshow. On June 29, 2008, five-year-old Josiah Miller died. A thunderstorm moved across the airport, sending down a microburst that toppled at least three big tents. A dozen people were […]