paramedics responding to a car accident where car is flipped upside down on road

A catastrophic injury can have devastating consequences for an accident victim in Florence, Alabama. When you’ve experienced catastrophic injuries in an incident resulting from someone else’s carelessness, you may have a claim to seek compensation that provides a measure of justice.

The Florence catastrophic injury lawyers at Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., are prepared to aggressively seek the accountability you deserve. Our full-service injury firm has the knowledge, resources, and experience to tackle complex cases involving the most severe injuries. We have a proven success record, including millions of dollars recovered for our clients.

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss how our firm can help you pursue financial recovery after suffering catastrophic injuries.

What Makes an Injury Catastrophic?

An injury becomes catastrophic when it results in prolonged or permanent damage to a person’s health, physical abilities, or emotional well-being. Catastrophic injuries typically interfere with a person’s ability to perform daily tasks or participate in activities. Catastrophic injuries will require extended medical treatment and rehabilitation and may leave a person with permanent disabilities, disfigurement, and scarring.

Types of Catastrophic Injuries in Florence, Alabama

Some examples of common catastrophic injuries that occur in accidents in Florence include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries – Severe traumatic brain injuries, such as contusions, hematomas, and diffuse axonal injuries, can lead to a permanent brain injury that can cause cognitive or physical disabilities or result in a coma or vegetative state.
  • Spinal cord injuries – Injuries to the spinal cord can cause partial or total paralysis, with the degree of paralysis dependent on the location and nature of the spinal cord injury.
  • Severe burns – Third-degree burns over an extensive portion of the body can require intensive treatment, including wound care and skin grafts. Burn victims may develop infections. Scarring from extensive burns can restrict a person’s mobility and quality of life.
  • Broken bones – Severe broken bone injuries, such as compound fractures, can cause permanent scarring, disfigurement, reduced mobility, and chronic pain.
  • Internal organ injuries – Damage to vital organs such as the lungs, heart, kidneys, or liver can prove life-threatening. Organ damage can also have long-lasting effects on vital functions and quality of life.
  • Hearing or vision loss – Catastrophic eye or head injuries can result in loss of hearing or vision, including partial or total deafness or blindness.
  • Orthopedic injuries – Severe injuries to soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons, and muscles can require intensive medical treatment, such as surgeries, followed by extensive physical and occupational therapy. Catastrophic orthopedic injuries can even result in the permanent loss of function or strength.
  • Crush injuries – Crush injuries occur when body parts get stuck between two heavy objects or between an object and a surface, such as a wall. These injuries can cause extensive damage to bones, soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerves.
  • Amputation or limb loss – An accident can cause a traumatic amputation or dismemberment or may inflict sufficient damage to body parts to require surgical amputation.

Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries

At Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., our catastrophic injury attorneys represent people who have suffered life-altering harm due to accidents such as:

Impact of Catastrophic Injuries on Victims and Their Families in Florence

Catastrophic injuries can have long-lasting consequences for accident victims and their families. Catastrophic injuries frequently require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation, with some people requiring months of recovery.

Catastrophic injuries frequently leave accident victims with permanent disabilities, disfigurement, and scarring even after reaching maximum medical improvement. Families of catastrophic injury victims may have to devote considerable time and money to provide the care and support their loved ones need as they recover from injuries and cope with permanent impairments.

Potential Compensation for Catastrophic Injuries

If you’ve suffered catastrophic injuries due to someone else’s negligence, you may have a claim to pursue compensation for the resulting financial and personal losses. Our attorneys are ready to pursue catastrophic injury compensation for your:

  • Medical expenses, including anticipated future expenses
  • Long-term care costs
  • Costs of household services, renovations, and disability accommodations
  • Lost income, including lost future earning potential
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality and enjoyment of life

Our catastrophic injuries lawyers can review the facts of the incident, your medical records, and any other documentation related to your injury and the resulting expenses to determine the full extent of your economic losses. Additionally, we may consult with medical professionals and vocational experts who can provide testimony regarding the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life. That can assist in determining the total amount of compensation to pursue for you.

How Our Florence Catastrophic Injury Attorneys Can Help

When you have an injury claim against a party responsible for harming you, the severe injury attorneys at Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., will handle the details of your legal claims so you can focus on your treatment and rehabilitation. While you heal, our firm will fight for the financial recovery and justice you deserve by:

  • Thoroughly investigating the accident that caused your catastrophic injuries to recover evidence for your case
  • Identifying liable parties and options for recovering compensation
  • Documenting your injuries and calculating your ongoing and future anticipated expenses or losses to ensure we pursue complete financial relief for you
  • Filing your claims and communicating with insurance adjusters, defense attorneys, and other parties in your case
  • Keeping you updated on the progress of your claims and answering your questions at each stage of the process
  • Pursuing maximum compensation for your injuries and recovery, whether through a negotiated settlement or by going to court and trial to demand accountability from those responsible for your injuries

After you’ve suffered catastrophic injuries in an accident caused by someone else’s wrongful actions, get the legal representation you need to pursue financial recovery and the justice and accountability you deserve.

Contact Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., today for a free, no-obligation consultation with a Florence personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal options for a catastrophic injury lawsuit.