woman wearing neck brace shaking the hand of a woman attorney sitting across the desk

Neck injuries can be some of the most catastrophic and consequential injuries people sustain in accidents. These severe injuries can completely upend your life, potentially limiting your movement, keeping you from working, and preventing you from enjoying your favorite activities.

Because neck injuries can have such a devastating impact, it’s vital to act quickly to seek maximum financial compensation from the party who injured you and their insurance company.

At Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., our Florence neck injury lawyers help people like you pursue the compensation they need from all available sources. Whether your injury happened in a car accident, a fall, or another incident, our attorneys want to help you. We will fight to get you money for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and other losses. We’ll manage the legal process so you can focus on getting better.

Call us today or complete our contact form for a free evaluation of your potential personal injury claims.

How Our Florence Neck Injury Attorneys Can Help You

After a severe neck injury in Florence, you have enough to worry about without the stress and hassle of trying to manage a personal injury claim. At the same time, you have medical bills piling up, you might not be able to work, and you may be adjusting to a radically different life post-injury.

The main benefit of working with an experienced, compassionate law firm like Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., is that we’re here to make your life easier. Our Florence neck injury attorneys can handle all the legal paperwork, evidence gathering, insurance settlement negotiations, and trial preparation. That way, you have much less to worry about and can concentrate on your medical treatment and recovery.

Why choose Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., as your Florence neck injury law firm? We have recovered over $125 million in compensation for our clients, demonstrating our resolve and skill in these complex cases. Furthermore, we have earned numerous honors from our peers and have decades of combined legal experience.

Our Florence personal injury lawyers prepare every case like it’s headed for trial. Our approach shows insurance companies our resolve and that we will use every tool at our disposal to fight for your best interests.

Types and Causes of Neck Injuries in Florence, AL

Neck injuries in Florence happen in various ways and cause their victims significant pain and other challenges. Some of the most common types of neck injuries include:

  • Whiplash – Whiplash happens when the head and neck jerk back and forth suddenly and is a common injury in car accidents. The violent motion can strain or tear muscles and ligaments in the neck.
  • Herniated discs – A herniated disc occurs when one of the soft discs between the vertebrae in the spine bulges or ruptures. It can cause intense pain and numbness.
  • Fractures – Neck fractures, or broken neck bones, can be very serious. These can result from high-impact accidents, like falls or collisions.
  • Sprains and strains – These injuries involve stretched or torn ligaments and muscles. They often result from overuse or sudden movements.
  • Pinched nerves – This happens when a nerve in the neck gets compressed. It can cause pain, tingling, and weakness in the neck and arms.

Neck injuries may result from many different types of accidents and incidents. Some of the circumstances most likely to lead to a neck injury include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents – The sudden impact of a car crash can cause whiplash, fractures, and other severe neck issues. Rear-end collisions frequently cause whiplash and other serious injuries to the neck.
  • Slips and falls – Fall accidents at work, at home, or in public spaces can lead to neck injuries. The impact can cause strains, sprains, or even fractures.
  • Sports injuries – Playing sports can be tough on the neck. Collisions, falls, or overexertion can lead to various neck injuries, including strains and herniated discs.
  • Workplace accidents – Jobs that require heavy lifting, repetitive motions, or working at heights can increase the risk of neck injuries. Work-related neck injuries can range from minor strains to severe fractures.
  • Violence – Physical assaults or violent encounters may result in neck injuries, as strangulation or being hit in the head or neck can cause significant damage.

Symptoms and Complications Related to Neck Injuries

Neck injuries can lead to various symptoms and complications, affecting your daily life and overall well-being. Knowing what to look for can help you get timely treatment and prevent further issues.

Common symptoms of neck injuries include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, numbness, tingling, and muscle spasms. A neck injury may also result in more severe complications, such as:

  • Chronic pain – Neck injuries can cause ongoing pain, affecting your quality of life and ability to work.
  • Reduced mobility – Long-term stiffness or pain can limit how well you can move your neck, impacting your ability to perform daily tasks.
  • Nerve damage – Severe injuries might damage nerves, leading to lasting numbness, weakness, or even paralysis in extreme cases.
  • Sleep issues – Pain and discomfort from a neck injury can make it hard to sleep, leading to fatigue and other health problems.

Long-Term Implications of Neck Injuries

One particularly harmful aspect of neck injuries in Florence is the long-term consequences they can have. In the most extreme cases, neck injuries can cause permanent paralysis below the injury site, changing the victim’s life forever in countless ways.

Even when neck injuries don’t cause paralysis, they can still have significant long-term effects. Pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion from a neck injury can prevent people from participating in many activities. Neck injuries can also keep people from working, causing considerable financial strain.

Hiring our experienced neck injury lawyers is the best step victims can take in these cases to protect their rights and recover the money they need to meet their future needs.

Pursuing Maximum Compensation for Neck Injuries

In most cases, you have one chance to seek compensation for a neck injury through a personal injury claim or civil lawsuit. Therefore, it’s crucial to seek full compensation from the liable parties to account for all the ways the accident has changed your life.

Our Florence personal injury lawyers can help you pursue economic damages and non-economic damages to compensate you for the losses you have experienced, including money for:

  • Your past and future medical expenses, including physical therapy and other treatments
  • Your lost income while you seek medical treatment
  • Any changes to your future earnings
  • Your pain and suffering
  • Your emotional distress and reduced quality of life

Get Help from Our Florence Neck Injury Law Firm Now

Under Alabama law, you have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit in most cases. You must act quickly to maximize your chances of recovering fair compensation for your neck injury.

Call Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., today or reach out online for a free consultation with our personal injury attorneys.