A man in blue overalls stands with a tablet, inspecting a truck for maintenance.

When a trucking company skips regular inspections and maintenance or fails to check critical safety features ahead of a trip, it increases the risk of a serious accident. Routine maintenance is essential for the safety of other drivers and is one of the most critical responsibilities of any trucking company.  

If you were hurt in an accident due to negligent truck maintenance, you need help from truck accident attorneys who know how to recover critical evidence showing the company cut corners and put you in danger. You need Morris, King & Hodge, P.C. 

Our Alabama truck accident law firm has a history of obtaining major recoveries for injured people in situations like yours. In one case, we obtained $5 million for a client who suffered permanent injuries in a collision with a utility truck. In another, we recovered $1 million for a motorist hit by a commercial truck that ran a red light. 

Don’t wait another moment to secure our help. Call 256-274-8130 or contact Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., today to speak with an experienced Huntsville truck accident attorney during a free consultation. 

Steps to Take After a Truck Accident Due to Negligent Maintenance 

After an accident with a truck, the most important thing you need to do is to make yourself safe. Here are the steps you should take: 

  • Call 911 and report the accident to the police. Emergency responders will control the scene, investigate the accident, and treat truck accident injuries as needed.
  • Seek medical attention. Do this even if you do not feel badly hurt at first. Some injuries don’t make themselves apparent immediately, and failure to seek immediate medical help could allow hidden injuries to become life-threatening.
  • Document the scene of the accident. Take photos if possible, try to talk to anyone who might have seen the accident, and write down your memories of the accident while they’re still fresh.
  • Contact our Huntsville truck accident lawyers. Proving that inadequate maintenance caused the accident is a difficult task, one best left to a lawyer who knows how to recover critical evidence like maintenance records, pre-trip inspections, and internal company communications. 

Common Types of Negligent Truck Maintenance 

The following are common causes of negligent maintenance truck accidents: 

  • Failure to inspect brakes and make sure they are in working order
  • Failure to maintain tires, resulting in a tire blowout on the road
  • Failure to secure cargo properly
  • Fuel line and oil line issues
  • Faulty lights and batteries
  • Failure of trailer or hitch
  • Issues with the steering system

Truck drivers and trucking companies increase the risk of accidents when they fail to keep up with vehicle maintenance. Worn brakes can prevent a truck from stopping in time, while old tires are more likely to fail suddenly, causing a blowout and loss of control. If a truck’s cargo is not secured correctly, it can fall off and collide with other vehicles. 

In short, failure to maintain a truck properly can have serious consequences for truck accident victims. The failure was not your fault, and you shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s mistake. 

Legal Implications of Truck Accidents Due to Negligent Maintenance 

Alabama law requires every motor carrier to establish a systematic approach to maintenance and inspection and to keep regular records of all maintenance performed on commercial trucks. This maintenance record must include: 

  • The make, model, and serial number of each vehicle
  • The number and size of all tires in use
  • Dates and details of all repairs
  • A record of all lubrication performed on the vehicle
  • A list of all inspections and maintenance tasks and their due dates
  • The identities of any lessors or contractors

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration also requires motor carriers to inspect and maintain their commercial trucks systematically and to keep records of their vehicle maintenance. Truck drivers must perform a daily inspection and keep a written report of what they find. Every vehicle must receive a complete inspection at least once a year. In addition, the Code of Federal Regulations forbids any driver from operating a commercial vehicle in a condition likely to cause an accident. 

State and federal regulations exist to protect other drivers from accidents caused by improper truck maintenance. Improper maintenance on the part of any of the following parties could make them liable for an accident due to mechanical failures: 

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • Mechanics responsible for the truck
  • Manufacturers of defective parts
  • Truck maintenance inspectors 

Why You Need a Truck Accident Lawyer in Huntsville

Alabama law requires all vehicles to carry mandatory liability insurance, which covers the costs of an accident caused by the vehicle’s operator. Liability in Alabama is based on the principle of contributory negligence. Since it means you cannot recover compensation if you are found at all at fault for the accident, the rule makes it especially important to have a skilled personal injury lawyer to prove that the accident was caused by negligent maintenance and not by your actions. 

The trucking company’s insurance company will do anything it can to defend itself from liability, so you need an experienced professional who can: 

  • Investigate the accident by documenting the accident scene, collecting statements from eyewitnesses, and collecting police and medical reports
  • Gather sufficient evidence to prove that the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence
  • Determine who is responsible for the accident and who can be held liable
  • Pursue compensation from all liable parties, such as trucking companies and the truck driver 

How Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., Can Help You 

Morris, King & Hodge, P.C., has improper truck maintenance attorneys serving clients in Huntsville and throughout Northern Alabama. Our strong commitment to helping injured people in Alabama is reflected in the testimonials of the people we have worked with. In the words of our client C.T., “If it were not for Mr. King, I know we would never have been compensated for our total losses.” According to D.M., “He didn’t make me feel like a client, but like family.” 

We are proud to say that we have succeeded in recovering millions of dollars in settlements and jury awards for our personal injury and wrongful death clients. If you’ve been injured or have lost a loved one in an accident with a truck, call 256-274-8130 or contact Morris, King & Hodge, P.C. today for a free consultation with a Huntsville truck accident lawyer.